About the series...

There is a lesson to learn from everything that exists, be it living or non-living. All that is required is a change in perspective. This series attempts to do just that…open our eyes to the lessons we can learn from Mother Nature. Mind you, she is a teacher unlike any other teacher; she does not teach, she merely acts true to her character, and we are free to learn from her. So, let’s tune in to wilderness and learn from nature. As citizens of the world we have a duty towards the environment which is the very source of our nourishment and existence. This page also attempts to draw our attention to the little things we can do to help retain the sanctity of nature. Read on…and stay inspired. - Rukma

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Humble Weed

As he laid brick upon brick he took utmost care to leave not a crack in between. The wall was coming up neat and tidy. Once ready he stood back to admire it. He had been so careful there was no way anything would grow from in between the bricks.

No doubt the mason was good at his job, and his work was a piece of excellence. But obviously he had not learned the meaning of grit and determination. That’s probably because he had not encountered the enigma called ‘weed’. Sure enough, within a few days specks of green could be seen scattered over the wall in the cement sandwiching the bricks. Alas! The nondescript garden weed had raised its green head. Through the minuscule cracks in the wall the shiny green stem of the weed had wound its way through and out into the bright day. Its roots held on tight. Even on close examination you wouldn’t know how it’s managing to hold on or where it finds water and nutrients. And that’s what keeps me intrigued by this wild wonder called ‘weed’. Anywhere, anytime, be it chilling cold or blazing heat, snow or rain or sleet, it manages to makes it appearance much to the chagrin of passionate gardeners. The worst of situations, with everything stacked against it, it still manages to not just grow but bloom as well.

How many of us can, like the humble weed, grow towards the light in a non-conducive environment? How many of us can find our way and keep going through a heady maze of obstacles? How many of us can raise our head amidst insurmountable opposition? Powerful lessons indeed, from the common weed.

Drop by drop maketh the ocean…DO YOUR BIT!

Shortening your showers by one or two minutes can save upto 2600 litres of water per month!

Did you know?

If the entire Antarctic ice-sheet would melt, sea levels would rise by 67 metres!


  1. i saw 'weed' and i said, woah!! this can't be :P

  2. wow.. beauty.. i guess, we all have a lot to learn from this post.. irrespective of ur worth (as seen by others), u must continue to grow and find every opportunity to move ahead in life..

    Very well thought out post. and the use of English is fabulous. No kidding nor maska-polish here. Too good !!

    And like always, I sign off saying - Keep Bloggin !!
